Thursday, April 30, 2009

March for Babies update and other info

Our March for Babies team in memory of little Patrick.

This past Saturday we participated in the March of Dimes, March for Babies in memory of little Patrick. In short, it was a huge success. We set a team goal to raise $5,000 and we actually raised a little over $6,300. We had a nice size group walking with us, 18 adults and 6 babies and we all wore team t-shirts that said "Walking in memory of Patrick" and it had little Patrick's picture on the front. We also attached some home made signs to the front of Savannah's stroller that included a collage of Patrick's pictures as well as a note from Savannah letting everyone know that she was walking "strolling" in memory of her twin brother. The signs and Savannah were a big hit with the other participants.

We have decided that this event will be an annual event for us, so hopefully next year our team will be even bigger and we can raise another impressive amount. The March of Dimes is a great organization and we were happy to participate in their event.

Savannah goes back to the doctor on Wednesday, May 6th (which is her 6 month birthday). We are excited to see how much she weighs and how long she has been 1 month since her last appointment. Savannah is doing well and everyday she seems to be doing something new. She now rolls over from her belly to her back with ease and is almost rolling from her back to her belly. We also practice sitting up and I know any day now she will be sitting up on her own. This past Saturday I decided to see if Savannah would eat from a spoon, so I opened a jar of organic baby food (bananas) which she loved and she did very well with the spoon. I am not sure if the pediatrician will be happy with this, but I felt she was ready. Savannah had bananas on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday and today I gave her peas, which she liked as well.

We can't wait to see what the next 6 months will bring us!

Here are some pictures from the March for Babies event as well as some recent pictures of Savannah.
Love to all,
The t-shirt we had made and wore for the walk.
At the beginning of the walk.

One of the signs I made.

Savannah in her bouncy for the first time. April 27, 2009
Tummy time!! April 25, 2009

Eating bananas for the first time. April 25, 2009

Practicing sitting in her bumbo. April 26, 2009

Tummy time!! April 28, 2009

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