A lot has happened since our last post on March 15 so let me get started.
On the 23rd of March, Savannah had a doctors appointment and weighted in at 9 Lb 8 Oz so we were knocking on the door of the much anticipated 10 Lb mark. We are proud to say that today, a mere two weeks later, Savannah has gained 27 Oz to put her at 11 Lb 3 Oz. We are completely pumped as well is the doctor. She has definitely turned the corner in the eating and weight gaining department which is a very good sign. The doctor is so pleased and confident with Savannah, that we do not need to bring her back for another month.
Today, also marks her fifth month with us and time has really been flying by. Savannah still spends most of her day eating and sleeping, however, she is now getting a good amount of extra play time as well as tummy time. Some of Savannah's highlights of the day (besides eating) are sitting in mommy's lap and getting read to or listening to mom recite the alphabet. Savannah is also becoming quite the talker. While she is not actually saying any kind of words she is definitely becoming more animated and speaking out to us in her own little language.
A few other exciting things that have happened over the past two weeks is that the doctor finally gave the OK for Savannah to be held by our parents. They were all very excited to hold Savannah for the first time and it was about time after 4 and a half months.
Finally, Savannah had an appointment last week with a program called Early Steps which is primarily used for premature babies or for infants and toddlers with special needs. The appointment was with about six different specialist ranging from physical therapist to speech therapy to a psychologist. They evaluated Savannah on a number of tasks including physical ability, cognitive skills, gross and fine motor skills, communication, social/emotional skills and adaptive development. Needless to say, this was a pretty intense appointment especially considering that we were really not sure what to expect.
The appointment could not have been better. They were all very pleased and amazed at Savannah's progress up to this point. She is acting and behaving like a four/five month old should even though her adjusted age is just over 2 months. They do not see any need for her to come back, however, the service is available to us until she turns three in the event that we see issues or challenges that concern us. It was a very proud moment from both April and myself and we could not be happier with the way that Savannah is developing.
April will post some recent pictures in the next day or two so stay tuned.
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