Sunday, February 8, 2009

Smiling Savannah & A New Home!

Hello All,

The past few weeks have been pretty crazy for the Emrich family. April and I have purchased a new house (at least new to us) and we moved in last weekend and have spent the past 10 days getting settled. We still have a long way to go but we at least see the light at the end of the tunnel. Savannah finally has her own room and she seems to be adjusting very nicely to her new surroundings. Nala and Tyson (our cats) also seem to be happy with the added space.

Savannah had a doctor's appointment on January 26 and at that time she weighed 6 Lb 12 Oz so she is right on the door step of 7 Lbs. We have another appointment morning and we hope that she is around 7.5 Lbs but we will not know for sure until tomorrow. The doctor was very pleased with her progress at the last appointment and gave us permission to increase the amount of her feedings. Previously, Savannah was eating 60 ML (2 ounces) per serving, however, over the past two weeks we have increased her servings to 70ML per feeding. She is tolerating the feedings with no problem and we have not seen any change in her behavior.

Over the past week or so Savannah has began to occasionally smile at mom and dad when she sees us. This is an amazing feeling for both April and I and we are looking forward to more of these types of milestones.

Also, Savannah celebrated her 3 month birthday with us on Friday, February 6. This is a very joyous occasion for us, however, it is with a heavy heart that we celebrate these monthly milestones. There is not a day that goes by that we do not think of Little Patrick (doodlebug) and the joy that he brought us. The monthly anniversary of their birth makes it a little more real but we continue to push forward with as much strength as we can muster.

Finally, I have decided to give myself a weekly deadline for posting to this blog. Moving forward, I will update this blog every Monday without fail. This post may be Monday morning at 6:00 AM or it may be Monday evening at 11:58 PM but it will be on Monday. We chose Monday's because that is the day that we have been visiting the doctor's and it just seems like a good day for a recap.

April will now be taking over the picture department of this blog and she is expected to post some three month photo's later this evening or in the morning.

In the upcoming week, we will have photos of our new home as well as some misc photos of Savannah and Patrick. Also, we never had the opportunity to truly explain what caused Patrick's death so I will be explaining the disease/infection that took over his body as well as the events that occurred on the fateful Sunday, November 30, 2009.

Love and Prayers,
Patrick, April and Savannah.

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