Patrick Christian Emrich was born at 12:34 PM and weighed in at 1 lb and 7 ounces and measured 12.5 inches long.
Savannah Grace Emrich was born at 12:35 PM and weighed in at 2 lb and 11 ounces and measured 15 inches long.
Patrick and Savannah are both in the NICU resting peacefully and are breathing on their own which is awesome. They do have IV'S hooked up to them through their stomach so they can be fed and have blood drawn when necessary.
April is feeling OK considering all that she has been through over the past 10 weeks. She is looking forward to going outside tomorrow and getting some fresh air.
The next 5-7 days are crucial for the long term health of Patrick and Savannah and we are expecting them to stay in the NICU for a number of weeks if not longer. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
THANK YOU to everyone for all of your unwavering support!!!!
Below are some pictures in the following order:
Patrick shortly after birth.
Patrick in the NICU.
Savannah shortly after birth.
Savannah in the NICU.
Words can not express how happy I am for both of you.
You have two beautiful little miracles.
I’m keeping all of you in my prayers.
Much love to you guys!
Congratulations to you both!!!
I just keep coming back and looking at their teeny tiny adorable selves, I just love them. April and Patrick we're just so excited for you guys. Your babes truly are a precious gift from God and I will continue to keep them in my prayers that they get bigger and stronger every day.
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