Savannah hanging out on her changing table on 12/14/2008!
Savannah wearing pants for the first time on 12/16/2008!
Patrick & Savannah are officially 2 days old and are both doing "reasonably well" per the neonatologist. To me, reasonably well means they are doing great considering how early they were born and how little they weigh.
Patrick has gained about an ounce or so but that is mostly fluids that are being injected into him for the nutrients that he needs. He is still breathing on his own which is a huge plus and his blood work is consistently coming back in the normal and acceptable ranges. He has a slight case of Jaundice and that explains the goggles and light. At this time, the Jaundice is not a major concern and is typical for babies his size. Patrick also has a feeding tube in his mouth that goes directly to his stomach which is providing him and will continue to provide him with the nutrients that he needs for the next 3-5 weeks until his sucking mechanism kicks in and he can begin to feed from a bottle. Lastly, this evening they inserted a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC). Believe me, this sounds much worse than it is. The PICC is basically a long term IV and will relieve the nurses from finding a new vein every two days to start a new IV. The PICC will stay inserted for a number of weeks or months or until they release him from the hospital. Moving forward, the PICC will be used to provide any needed fluids and or medicine. Overall, the majority of work that is being done on Patrick is proactive instead of reactive.