Hello all,
On Wednesday the 5th Savannah went in for her 9 month check-up....I know, I know, how did this happen? How is she already 9 months old?!?! I cannot believe that our babies were born 9 months ago, where has the time gone?
Anyways, Savannah weighed in at 18 lbs 1 oz and 26.25" long. She is in the 75th percentile for her head circumference, 50th percentile for her weight and 25th percentile for her length. Dr. Yee was impressed with Savannah's progress and we don't have to go back to see him until November, which by the way is in 3 short months and she will be 1...oh my, I am not ready for that thought!!
We all are doing well, still trying to get settled in our house...we have been here over 6 months now and we are still unpacking and trying to get things in their place. Patrick is busy at work, thank goodness for that...especially in this economy.
Savannah is getting more and more mobile and I think any day now she will start crawling. She currently moves around on her belly, she moves in circles and backwards, once she gets her belly off the ground and her knees underneath her...watch out :)
Last weekend, Savannah attended her first baseball game as we took in the Rays hosting the Kansas City Royals with my parents. Savannah slept for a couple of innings and even when the Rays scored and all 30,000 plus fans were cheering, she did not move. She was very well behaved and we stayed for about 3 hours which was pretty impressive for her. The most exciting part of the game was when a foul ball came our way and ended up landing in the row right behind where we were sitting. Savannah almost caught a foul ball at her first game....
Last but definitely not least, Savannah has started to put some sounds together and they sound a lot like "mama" and "dada". It is amazing to watch all the changes that take place on a daily basis, it is such a miracle. It is so true what they say about how fast children grow up....don't blink or you might just miss something.
Love, April
A video of Savannah....August 9, 2009
Savannah's first MLB game with her Nana and Buddy. August 1, 2009.

Daddy and Savannah at the Ray's game.
Outside, enjoying the Florida Summer. August 4, 2009.

Savannah is 9 months old. August 6, 2009.