The link below should give you access to my facebook photo album with 30 new photos of Savannah. Please check it out.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
6+ Lbs & Pictures
Savannah had her third weigh in earlier this week and she gained 8 Oz since her last appointment two weeks ago so she now weighs 6 Lbs 6 Oz. It is nice to finally have her over the 6 Lb mark:). The doctor is pleased with her progress up to this point and we will be heading back in another two weeks for another weigh in. Savannah also received two shots at the appointment so she was pretty fussy the rest of the day which I can understand.
Saturday mornings are usually an opportunity for April to get out of the house and have some April time as well as some Starbucks which then leads to me having some Savannah time which is pretty fun. I just changed and fed Savannah about 30-45 minutes ago and she is now wrapped up and down for a nap. Who knows if she will actually go to sleep?
Also, in the last update I mentioned a house that April and I were interested in. Well, we did come to terms on a contract with the sellers and we will be closing in less than two weeks on January 30. It is exciting times for the Emrich household and we are looking forward to Savannah having her own little room.
Finally, I realize why everyone really comes to this blog and it is for the pictures and not the "articles" so here ya go......a few oldies but goodies.....

Sorry, I could not figure out how to turn this around.

Savannah in a cute little shirt!

Mommy and Savannah enjoying her first Christmas!

(Above) Savannah in a cute little outfit that is way too big for her!
(Below) Savannah in her "First Christmas" outfit!
Saturday mornings are usually an opportunity for April to get out of the house and have some April time as well as some Starbucks which then leads to me having some Savannah time which is pretty fun. I just changed and fed Savannah about 30-45 minutes ago and she is now wrapped up and down for a nap. Who knows if she will actually go to sleep?
Also, in the last update I mentioned a house that April and I were interested in. Well, we did come to terms on a contract with the sellers and we will be closing in less than two weeks on January 30. It is exciting times for the Emrich household and we are looking forward to Savannah having her own little room.
Finally, I realize why everyone really comes to this blog and it is for the pictures and not the "articles" so here ya go......a few oldies but goodies.....

Sorry, I could not figure out how to turn this around.

Savannah in a cute little shirt!

Mommy and Savannah enjoying her first Christmas!

(Above) Savannah in a cute little outfit that is way too big for her!
(Below) Savannah in her "First Christmas" outfit!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happy New Year & Back on Track

Savannah is officially 2 months old!!!
Hello All,
I know, I don't have to tell me as I already know that it has been over 2 weeks since my last post. I sound like a broken record but I am really going to make the blog a priority of mine again and make sure that everyone is updated and kept up to speed on Savannah as well as April & I.
The past two plus weeks have been very busy with raising Savannah, the holidays, family in town, and work so I have a lot to update.
This will be a quick summary style update and then I will have some pictures of the baby girl now that she is 2 months old.
As of last Tuesday, December 30th, Savannah weighed in at 5 Lbs 14 Oz after gaining 12 ounces in 10 days. We have another appointment on Monday, the 12th.
We celebrated Christmas and New Years with friends and family and everyone got to see Savannah live and in person for the first time.....of course, she was in our room and they had to look through a sliding glass door:)
We are in the process of adding another wing onto the house in order to store all of the clothes that we have received for Savannah....can you say spoiled already!!!!
Yesterday, January 6, we celebrated having Savannah in our lives for 2 full months.
Also, during this time, April and I have been looking at houses and have found one that we feel is perfect for us. Currently, we are under contract and hope to close by the end of this month as long as all of the inspections go as planned.
Enjoy the below pictures!
Getting up close and personal!

Mom likes to dress up Savannah so we can make sure that she wears all of her outfits.

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