This past Friday we took Savannah to her second doctor's appointment and the primary reason was for the doctor to check to see how much weight she gained over the past seven days. The first appointment that we had, I mentioned that we waited an extremely long time in the waiting room and that we were pretty
disappointed overall. Yesterday was a complete 180 turn around. April and Savannah were in the waiting room for less than 5 minutes and then we saw the doctor in less than 10 minutes so we were very pleased with yesterday's experience.
Now, on to the main reason of this post. On Friday, December 12, Savannah weighed 4 Lbs 8 Oz and the doctor had hopes of her gaining between 3/4 to a full ounce per day. Well, Savannah crushed his expectations.....Savannah gained a good 10 ounces and is now over the 5 Lb mark....YOU GO GIRL!!!! Her official weight is 5 Lbs 2 oz and the doctor is very happy with that. He said that she is thriving and doing very well. We will be heading back to the doctor's office on December 30 for another weigh in to see how much more weight she has gained.
On a separate note, I can not believe that I never informed everyone about the end results of the Grade 1 Brain Bleed that Savannah had. While in the
NICU, the doctor's performed two brain scans and each one showed a small bleed of some sorts. These scans were completed within the first 10 days of Savannah being born and the doctor's were not very concerned because the bleed was so small. I can not say the same for April and myself as we were very concerned just
because of the unknown. A final brain scan was completed before Savannah was released and the results showed that the bleed was resolving itself, meaning that the blood was being absorbed back into the brain. This was a huge sigh of relief for April and I and I
apologize for not telling everyone sooner. At this point, the doctors will no longer follow up on the bleed because they are assuming that the entire bleed will be absorbed back into the brain and that it will be a non-issue.
Overall, April and I are having a great time enjoying Savannah and we look forward to learning, seeing or hearing something new everyday. Yesterday, we took her for her first quick walk outside in the stroller and today we put her in her swing for the first time. It seems like every day there is a new first and we are tyring to take it all in as much as we can.
I hope everyone takes some time to relax and enjoy their family and friends as we approach Christmas and the birth of baby Jesus this upcoming Thursday.